Christopher Paolini Interviews Fran Wilde

Are you a fan of flying adventures? Christopher Paolini interviews Fran Wilde in the latest addition to our guest articles and interview series. Join the two writers as they discuss the inspiration behind Fran’s debut novel, Updraft, and her upcoming book, Cloudbound. Explore how community and cultural value can uplift or suppress characters within a fictional setting, learn to embrace your weirdness as an author, and update your “To Read” list.




If you haven’t already, be sure to check out Fran’s latest releases! And don’t forget to stay up to date with Fran on her website, Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Pintrest, and Tumblr!

Updraft by Fran Wilde The Jewel and Her Lapidary by Fran Wilde Cloudbound by Fran Wilde

* Interested in seeing more guest interviews? Check out our archive!

Immanuela Meijer

Immanuela is the Paolinis' webmaster, archivist, and all around "make-things-go" Renaissance woman.