We hope everyone is staying safe and well in these uncertain times. At the very least, some of you may forget your troubles for a time with Tor’s latest bonus content release: To Sleep in a Sea of Stars desktop and mobile wallpaper! TSiaSoS wallpaper

This neat mixed media art piece by Immanuela Meijer, Christopher’s assistant, captures more than a few story elements. Can you guess what they are? To download, click on the link here. And feel free to share your own concept art of TSiaSoS on social media—we’d love to see it! Feel free to tag @torbooks and use the hashtags #TSiaSoS and #ToSleepInaSeaofStars when you do! And if you want to catch up on everything To Sleep in a Sea of Stars, including an exclusive EW preview of the book, click here. TSiaSos wallpaper