Have an English word you want to translate into dwarvish? You’ve come to the right place! Check out our English to dwarf language dictionary below and don’t forget to take a peek at our other invented language pages!
English | Dwarf Language |
accompanying, bring | ignh |
act | estvarn |
all who | volfild |
also | wharn |
and | oen |
are | oc |
arranger of the house | grimstcarvlorss |
as | wharn |
assail | marrv |
at the same time | ienmîf |
bald, shiny | egraz |
banished, clanless | vargrimst |
be | dom |
bear (n.) | beor (elf word) |
bear (v.); carry | môgh |
beard | dûnost |
beardless, unbearded | mendûnost |
beware | länok |
bless | arûna |
blood | edaris |
boar, giant; native to the beor mountains | nagra |
bright | gáld |
bright, shining head | gáldhiem |
bring, accompany | ignh |
by | vor |
call, summon | estver |
carry; bear (v.) | môgh |
cave bear, giant; native to the beor mountains | urzhad |
cave lore | mahl |
change | dem |
chief, arbitrator | borith |
city | kyth |
clan (literally, “our hall,” or “our home”) | dûrgrimst |
clan of artisans | dûrgrimst gedthrall |
clan of dragonnets (see also fanghur) | dûrgrimst fanghur |
clan of kílf’s necklace (see also ledwonnû) | dûrgrimst ledwonnû |
clan of metalworkers (see also knurlcarathn) | dûrgrimst ingeitum |
clan of scholars | dûrgrimst ebardac |
clan of stoneworkers (see also knurlcarathn) | dûrgrimst knurlcarathn |
clan of the bearded mountain goat (see also feldûnost) | dûrgrimst feldûnost |
clan of the cave bear (see also urzhad) | dûrgrimst urzhad |
clan of the giant boar (see also nagra) | dûrgrimst nagra |
clan of the river guard (see also ragni and hefthyn) | dûrgrimst ragni hefthyn |
clan of the tears of anhûin | dûrgrimst az sweldn rak anhûin |
clan of the war wolves (see also vrenshrrgn) | dûrgrimst vrenshrrgn |
clan; religious order | dûrgrimst quan |
clan chief (literally, “hall chief”) | grimstborith |
clan war | dûrgrimstvren |
clanless, banished | vargrimst |
counterfeit; something that appears other than it actually is; a fake or a sham | thardsvergûndnzmal |
country of the dwarves; all clans’ lands | grimstnzhadn |
coward | sheilve |
create | fûthmér |
curse (n.) | barzûlegûr |
curse someone with ill fate | barzûl |
curse someone with multiple misfortunes | barzûln |
danger | carkna |
daughter | mezzintar |
destroy | hrestvog |
disloyal, feckless, un-faith | menotho |
do | is |
double-bladed staff weapon used by dûrgrimst quan | hûthvír |
dragon | jurgen |
dragon rider | jurgencarmeitder |
dragon-like creatures that are smaller and less intelligent than their cousins, the dragons; related to the nïdhwal (native to the beor mountains) | fanghur |
dragonwar | jurgenvren |
dwarf (literally, “one of stone”) | knurla |
eagle | orn |
eagle eye, eye of the eagle | ornthrond |
earth | erôth |
earthen stone, stone of earth | erôthknurl |
ecstasy | nzdorrim |
elders, sages, wise men | urû |
elf (the dwarves borrowed this word from the ancient language, wherein it means magic.) | vanyali |
endearment, an; also the dwarves’ name for a form of gold nodules indigenous to the beor mountains, which they prize greatly | delva |
endless, eternal | vol |
enemy | mensagh |
enough | vronn |
enter | god |
eternal fighter | volund |
eye of the eagle, eagle eye | ornthrond |
faith | otho |
fake; something that appears other than it actually is; a counterfeit or a sham | thardsvergûndnzmal |
family | sartos |
family story, story of family, saga | sartosvrenht |
father | farthen |
father of frost, winter | felfarthen |
feckless, disloyal, un-faith | menotho |
frostbeard (a species of goat native to the beor mountains) | feldûnost |
fire workers; smiths | ingeitum |
fish, small, red, found mainly in the ragni darmn river | darm |
fists of steel | ascûdgamln |
flesh | thargen |
flicker | sigt |
food | voth |
fool | brak |
foot | kóstha |
foot-pool | kóstha-mérna |
for | akh |
forget | warrev |
friend | sagh |
from | tor |
frost pass | felrast |
frost | fel |
gem | narrvel |
giant | tronj |
god of air | urûr |
god of all under the surface | gûntera |
god of fire (black beard) | morgothal |
god of stone; said to have seven fingers on each hand | helzvog |
goddess of earth | sindri |
goddess of water | kílf |
gold nodules indigenous to the beor mountains, which the dwarves prize greatly; also an endearment | delva |
endearment | delva |
great | brâgha |
greeting | derûndân |
guard | hefthyn |
guest (literally, “hall guest” | grimstbelard |
guest | belard |
hail (v.) | nal |
hammer | korda |
hand | gaml |
happen, take place | vond |
has | nos |
hawk, a species of | trangnarn |
he, him, man | knurlag |
head | hiem |
heart | nien |
heart of stone | knurlnien |
helm | heim |
helm of giants | tronjheim |
her, she, woman | knurlaf |
him, he, man | knurlag |
holiest | encesti |
holy | sesti |
honor | zeitmen |
house, hall | grimst |
how | harng |
i | narho |
in | bahst |
is | ana |
it | dar |
it is | ilf |
kílf’s necklace; also used as a general term for necklace | ledwonnû |
kill | ach |
kind | alfrell |
king | grimstnzborith |
kneel | beogh |
lake, pool | mérna |
land | had |
lands of a clan | grimsthadn |
leave | athrid |
let | os |
likeness; statue | hírna |
listen | hwatum |
love, adoration | dorzada |
make | irânû |
man, he, him | knurlag |
manage, to arrange | vlorss |
may | jordn |
me | skilf |
memory, remember | menwarrev |
men | kurlagn |
message | harûg |
messenger | carharûg |
mine | skilfz |
moment | hort |
mortal | wôno |
neck | led |
no | eta |
not | etal |
obligation, fate, something unavoidable | orodûm |
of | rak |
one | carn |
our | dûr |
our father | farthen dûr |
pass | rast |
pine trees native to the beor mountains | farthen dûr |
place | goroth |
play | dweirv |
pledge | belgond |
pool, lake | mérna |
queen | grimstnzborith |
remember, memory | menwarrev |
ride | meitder |
ring | wonnû |
river | ragni |
rose | isidar |
ruler of the dwarves, whether king or queen (literally, “halls’ chief”) | grimstnzborith |
saga, family story, story of family | sartosvrenht |
sages, elders, wise men | urû |
scratch (n.) | vik |
serve | smer |
shade, shadow | hreth |
sham; something that appears other than it actually is; a counterfeit or a fake | thardsvergûndnzmal |
shadeslayer | hrethcarach |
she, her, woman | knurlaf |
shield | thorv |
sight | astim |
simultaneously, at the same time | ienmîf |
sindri’s gem | sindriznarrvel |
smiths, fire workers | ingeitum |
something that appears other than it actually is; a fake or counterfeit; a sham | thardsvergûndnzmal |
son | menthiv |
sorrow | vrem |
speak | roth |
spear-throwing contest akin to jousting and fought on the backs of feldûnost | ghastgar |
speck, mote | hûtt |
star | mithrim |
star rose (the star sapphire) | isidar mithrim |
statue; likeness | hírna |
steel | ascûd |
step, stairs | turin |
stone; rock | knurl |
stone of earth (literally, “earthstone”) | erôthknurl |
stonehead | knurlhiem |
stoneworkers; masons | knurlcarathn |
stop | etzil |
story | vrenht |
straddle | ganaht |
summon, call | estver |
take place, happen | vond |
tall | mann |
tear (as in crying) | sweld |
temper line on the blade of a differentially tempered weapon | thriknzdal |
that | isû |
the | az |
the lands of a clan | grimsthadn |
them, they | knurlar |
then | azt |
there | nithgech |
these | formvn |
they, them | knurlar |
this | formv |
thus | ûn |
time | gar |
time: about thirteen minutes | ûtgav |
to | il |
to arrange, manage | vlorss |
tree | drâth |
trees of stone | knurldrâthn |
ugh, dwarvish equivalent, (used humorously in the place name werghadn; werghadn translates as either “the land of ugh” or, more liberally, “the ugly land”) | werg |
un-faith, feckless, disloyal | menotho |
unbearded, beardless | mendûnost |
unstone ones, those who are not, or are without, stone (the worst insult in dwarvish; cannot be directly translated into english) | menknurlan |
us, we | né |
want | frekk |
war | vren |
war wolves, wolves of war | vrenshrrgn |
warrior | und |
was | qena |
we, us | né |
weak | dômar |
what | hert |
when | hrenth |
white | arn |
who | fild |
will | ûdim |
winter (literally, “frost father”) | felfarthen |
wise men, elders, sages | urû |
without | var |
wolf, giant; native to the beor mountains | shrrg |
wolves of war, war wolves | vrenshrrgn |
woman, she, her | knurlaf |
women | knurlafn |
word | gerdûm |
work | rath |
wound given by a jealous lover or spouse | eowynthir |
yes; affirmative | oeí |
you | jok |